Giving thanks and taking stock after “a remarkable year”
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Dec 22, 2023
Nino Di Cara

An end-of-year thank you to our readers, industry colleagues and advertisers before Electric Autonomy breaks from publishing until Jan. 2

This, our final published article of the year, follows this week’s announcement by the federal government of detailed targets and mechanisms for the gradual elimination of new combustion vehicle sales by 2035.

An end-of-year thank you to our readers, industry colleagues and advertisers before Electric Autonomy breaks from publishing until Jan. 2

This, our final published article of the year, follows this week’s announcement by the federal government of detailed targets and mechanisms for the gradual elimination of new combustion vehicle sales by 2035. 

My hope is two-fold: that businesses can now make confident long-term EV investment decisions. And that all industry stakeholders will be able to coalesce and collaborate to achieve these targets.

You can read our full report on the EV Availability Standard here

With even more focus now on the automotive supply chain, I encourage professionals in advanced EV manufacturing and supply chain innovation to join us at the EV Innovation & Technology Conference on Feb. 7, where we are bringing experts together to discuss these critical issues. 

A remarkable year

2023 has been a remarkable year of progress for the transition to electric vehicles in Canada.

Nationally, new EV sales saw rapid growth, breaking into the double digits for the first time. Canada’s supply chains for EVs and batteries were filled in with expanded commitments from automakers and new battery factories announced. Suppliers are onshoring their operations everywhere from B.C. to Quebec.

In addition, millions of dollars have been committed to deploy new, faster EV charging infrastructure across the country.  

We’re also proud of our own milestones — which you made possible by reading, participating in and sharing our work.

With thanks

As we approach the holidays, I want to take a moment to thank the following:

  • The more than 440,000 users in 2023 who viewed 945,000 pages of our original journalism and industry data on Electric Autonomy websites.  
  • The thousands of people who attended and helped make a success of our first in-person business events (the EV Innovation & Technology Conference in February and the EV & Charging Expo in May) and the 13 webinars we hosted.  
  • The hundreds of industry professionals and experts who spoke at our events or provided commentary for our daily reporting. Your willingness to share knowledge and best practices demonstrates true leadership and invaluable learning for the broader community. 
  • The hundreds of people who joined the EV Fleets Pro Academy — we’ve enjoyed seeing your certificates of completion posted on social media.
  • The 13,000 users who visited our Jobs in Motion jobs board to find work or talent in this rapidly growing sector.
  • Finally, the over 100 companies and organizations who placed their trust in us and sponsored our events or advertised in our media. None of the above would be possible without your support. 

It’s a pleasure and privilege for us to continue bringing business leaders, policy makers and other members of Canada’s zero-emission vehicle ecosystem the news and networks they need today to make the right decisions for the future. 

Have a wonderful and safe holiday season. We look forward to 2024 as we continue the drive towards cleaner, safer and more economical transportation.

Nino Di Cara photo

Nino Di Cara is president and founder of Electric Autonomy Canada.

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