Malahat Nation takes the lead on a new state-of-the-art gigastorage factory on Vancouver Island
The new streamlined Ontario Energy Board procedure will help facilitate the integration of charging infrastructure and EVs into the provincial grid
CSA Group is offering training to help electrical professionals prioritize safety and reliability of EVEMS electrical equipment
The new call for proposals from Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator seeks demand-side solutions for grid reliability, sustainability and affordability
With current regulations frustrating charging station deployment across the province, Nova Scotia is moving to “modernize” its electricity system
Loans from the Canada Infrastructure Bank and NRCan will be used to boost renewable electricity strategy, in a partnership between the province and a Mi’kmaq development agency
Confusion still surrounds a series of rolling grid alerts issued by the Alberta Energy Systems Operator in which EV charging was discouraged
Solutions that will enable electrical grids to support the growing demand from fleet electrification exist, but deploying them at scale brings challenges
Alectra and Hydro One now offer ultra-low overnight pricing, as the deadline for all utilities in Ontario to adopt this billing option nears
The utilities are introducing the fully electric bucket trucks to their fleets in field and training yard pilots to assess their potential for regular and more widespread deployment