Electric Autonomy Canada launches new industry program: EV Fleets
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EV Fleets
Sep 27, 2022
Electric Autonomy Staff

The digital course and resource hub is available to commercial fleet operators looking to transition their vehicles to zero-emission

Electric Autonomy Canada is proud to announce the launch of a new industry learning and networking platform dedicated to transitioning Canada’s small- and medium-duty fleets to zero-emission vehicles.

The digital course and resource hub is available to commercial fleet operators looking to transition their vehicles to zero-emission

Electric Autonomy Canada is proud to announce the launch of a new industry learning and networking platform dedicated to transitioning Canada’s small- and medium-duty fleets to zero-emission vehicles.

EV Fleets, created in partnership with with ABB E-mobility Canada, Jim Pattison Lease, Sailun Tire Americas, Petro-Canada™ (a Suncor business) and with the support of Natural Resources Canada and The International Council on Clean Transportation, offers a suite of resources to businesses looking to adopt or explore ZEVs.

“Our goal is to help fleet owners and operators make informed decisions and avoid costly pitfalls by sharing best practices from experts in the automotive, fleet management, charging, consulting and sustainability sectors who understand the economics and pressures of real-life operations,” says Electric Autonomy’s VP of strategic development for clean transportation, Ilana Weitzman in a press release.

Looking to electrify your fleet but not sure where to start? Get the support you need to transition to an electric fleet with the new EV fleets learning hub. Video: Electric Autonomy Canada

EV Fleets is set up as an online learning portal. Members will be able to work through a series of learning modules to help familiarize themselves with the key steps involved an EV transition, will be connected with industry experts with electrification experience and have access to OEMs that are supplying commercial electric vehicles.

A like-minded community

One of the most valuable elements of the EV Fleets platform is the community and research it gives participants access to.

“Before we brought together EV Fleets, companies looking to electrify would have to do extensive research on their own to find resources, whether that was hunting down a white paper from a think tank or reading the blog of one of the companies in the sector,” said Nino Di Cara, Founder and President of Electric Autonomy Canada.

“The idea was to provide a seamless, independent, trusted resource, bringing together expertise from across the industry and research partners. Fleets can go from understanding how to operate a zero-emissions fleet to assessing the suitability of electric powertrains for their specific operations to building a team of experts who can help them make the transition, all in a single place.”

The wraparound approach of EV Fleets is designed to support businesses from all sides and de-silo information and “lessons learned” from the early adopter partners. Later this year, video case studies will be released on the platform to give insight into the real-life operations of various small- and medium-duty electric fleet vehicles across Canada.

Today, data shows that half of light-duty combustion fleet vehicles are suitable for an electric replacement. EV Fleets will be required reading for those embarking on this transition.

More details on the EV Fleets program are available at evfleets.ca.

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