Electric Autonomy joins EnerTech Advanced Mobility Ecosystem
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Innovators in Mobility
Oct 23, 2023
Electric Autonomy Staff

Partnering with the ecosystem, which includes leading companies and universities, expands the reach of Electric Autonomy’s journalism, tools and events in North America

EnerTech Capital’s managing director, Wally Hunter (L), and Electric Autonomy’s founder and president, Nino Di Cara, at the EnerTech Forum in Scottsdale, Arizona last week.

Partnering with the ecosystem, which includes leading companies and universities, expands the reach of Electric Autonomy‘s journalism, tools and events in North America

Electric Autonomy has joined the EnerTech Advanced Mobility Ecosystem (EAME) as a media partner.

The EAME alliance promotes research and development and commercialization of advanced zero-emission technology in North America. Its original founding members are EnerTech Capital, tier-one auto parts manufacturer and supplier Linamar, municipal utility Alectra and Western University.

EnerTech, Linamar and Alectra are also members of the California Mobility Center, based in Sacramento.

Membership in the EAME expands the geographic reach of Electric Autonomy‘s essential industry reporting.

It’s an honour to join the EnerTech Advanced Mobility Ecosystem,” said Nino Di Cara, founder and president of Electric Autonomy, in a press release.

“We look forward playing a full role collaborating alongside the other innovative North American member organizations working to realize the potential of advanced technologies in mobility and transportation.”  

Ecosystem’s mission

The EnerTech Advanced Mobility Ecosystem was formed in December 2021 with a focus on advancements in autonomy, electrification and alternative fuels, fleet management, data and connectivity, and transportation logistics. The aim of the ecosystem is to accelerate the development of enhanced batteries, autonomous vehicle solutions, hydrogen as a fuel source, smart city technologies and renewable energy.

“We are proud to have Electric Autonomy join the EnerTech Mobility Ecosystem that we continue to build around our Global Strategic Mobility Fund,” said Wally Hunter, managing director of EnerTech Capital. “Electric Autonomy provides valuable thought leadership and world class insight focused on innovation in the mobility space.”

Since the EAME’s launch, it has expanded to include the following additional members: Queen’s University, the University of Alberta, the University of Waterloo, Toronto Metropolitan University and the University of Calgary.

The partnership between Electric Autonomy and the EAME reflects the organizations’ shared goals. These include empowering industry through information to make confident decisions when it comes to mobility decarbonization.

The EAME’s robust connections in the United States will also amplify Electric Autonomy‘s original reporting, educational programming and live events to a more geographically diverse mobility sector.

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