New Brunswick announces a $5,000 rebate for new EV purchases
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Jul 9, 2021
Emma Jarratt

It’s a full house on the East Coast with every Atlantic province now offering an EV purchase rebate after New Brunswick’s announcement yesterday

With the help of the new provincial rebates, cars travelling on this road near Belledune, New Brunswick could soon zero emission

It’s a full house on the East Coast with every Atlantic province now offering an EV purchase rebate after New Brunswick’s announcement

New Brunswick drivers looking to transition to an electric vehicle received some welcome news: a provincial purchase rebate that can be applied to new and used EVs registered in the province.

The announcement means that every Atlantic Canada province now offers purchase incentives and each initiative is aimed at pushing adoption by leveraging a critical equity element. In addition to the vehicle rebate, consumers will also be eligible for a $750 credit towards installing a Level 2 home charger.

“We committed in our Climate Change Action Plan to lowering greenhouse gas emissions and this program will help us continue to not only meet but exceed our emission targets,” said environment and climate change minister, Gary Crossman, in a government press release. “The program will make electric vehicles more affordable so that more people can take part in reducing our transportation emissions.”

New Brunswick’s rebate allocates $5,000 to new EV purchases, $2,500 for hybrid-electric purchases or leases, $2,500 for used EVs and $1,000 for used hybrids. The provincial rebate can be combined with the $5,000 federal rebate offered to all EV-buying Canadians.

New Brunswick keen to hit emission targets

With a population of over 781,000 people, New Brunswick boasts at least 37 public charger locations — 196 Level 2 chargers and 87 Level 3 DC fast chargers — and has roughly 464 EVs registered, according to data from 2020. But that same year the government announced the province had fallen very short of its target adoption goals. Some members of the public said they were disappointed in the slow adoption rates. One of the primary criticisms was that the province did not offer a rebate program.

“Our charging station infrastructure is ready and our citizens want to take advantage of the federal government’s incentives, but the lack of action from the provincial government is holding us all back,” said Lois Corbett, executive director of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick in a statement to Global News.

Government officials appear to have taken the feedback seriously and, perhaps spurred on by Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island making their own provincial rebate commitments earlier this year, have laid out a robust program.

“Today’s announcement is a positive step in the right direction to increase zero-emission vehicles uptake in the province,” said Ian Hatheway president of the New Brunswick Automobile Dealers’ Association, in the press release. “The provincial incentive stacked with the federal incentive will certainly help address a key barrier to electric vehicles adoption, which is cost.”

Rebate roll out and public education

New Brunswick Power, will be initially responsible for administering the rebate program, which can be applied retroactively, says the government, though it’s unclear how far back EV drivers can claim. The government says later in the fall dealerships will assume responsibility for providing the rebates.

“We are pleased to partner with the Province of New Brunswick to deliver the Plug-In NB program,” said Keith Cronkhite, president and CEO of NB Power in the press release.

“As New Brunswickers, we believe the electrification of transportation is key to a sustainable energy future.”

NB Power estimates EV drivers in the province will spend an average of $500 powering their vehicles, as opposed to the average $2,000 in gas costs. It’s information like this that they say is critical to share with drivers across the province who may be considering a switch from gas to electric, but have hesitancy due to lack of education.

“We are proud to encourage this shift by providing information and advice to our customers,” said Cronkhite.

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