International Case Studies on Goods Movement Strategies
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Mar 6, 2019
Electric Autonomy Staff

The transportation sector in Canada accounted for 24% of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2016. On-road transportation accounts for 80% of energy consumption in the transportation sector. On-road freight is a major and growing contributor to climate change and air pollution in Canada. Countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and China […]

The transportation sector in Canada accounted for 24% of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2016. On-road transportation accounts for 80% of energy consumption in the transportation sector. On-road freight is a major and growing contributor to climate change and air pollution in Canada.

Countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and China have implemented sustainable, low-carbon goods movement strategies and measures to reduce GHG emissions, improve local air quality, decrease road congestion, and increase productivity through the efficient movement of goods.

Prepared by Pollution Probe and The Delphi Group, this report looks at international sustainable and low-carbon goods movement strategies for on-road freight in six case study countries. Policies reviewed include measures to improve fuel consumption, emission standards, alternative fuels and technologies, green freight programs, operational practices, and others. The study highlights best practices and lessons from international case studies that could inform future work on Canada’s strategic approach to reducing GHG emissions from on-road freight.

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