Alternative Fuels: The promise, the potential and putting into practice
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Sep 6, 2022
Electric Autonomy Staff

On September 13th, 14th and 15th Electric Autonomy will host a three-part panel discussion series with leaders from the fuels industry, the automotive sector, and research groups to explore the potential for alternative fuels in medium and heavy-duty long-haul vehicles

On September 13th, 14th and 15th Electric Autonomy Canada will host a three-part panel discussion series with leaders from the fuels industry, the automotive sector, and research groups to explore the potential to develop Canada’s use of alternative fuels

Even if we achieve the Canadian federal government’s zero-emission vehicle sales targets by 2035, 65 per cent of vehicles on the road at that point will still have combustion engines. We need to ensure these vehicles will be running on the cleanest fuels possible.

Alternative fuels are a branch of low-emission solids, liquids and gasses that can and are being used to power vehicles. Examples include renewable diesel, hydrogen and more. Transitioning the existing and remaining combustion fleet — particularly in the medium- and heavy-duty long-haul sector — to lower-emitting fuel sources as quickly as possible is going to be a key part of Canada being able to meet its climate targets.

Canada’s Clean Fuel Regulations are set to go into effect in 2023. It is widely expected that they will act as a catalyst for the scaled adoption of “clean,” or, alternative fuels.

This discussion series will cover the basics about these technologies, frame the need for this transition with appropriate context, and showcase the exceptional Canadian talent and innovation in clean fuels.

This event series has now concluded. Watch the recordings of the three webinars at this link.


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