Framework for Municipal Zero Emission Vehicle Deployment
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Apr 30, 2019
Electric Autonomy Staff

Cities are looking to become more engaged on actions to limit transportation-related emissions, and many are seeking support in the development of plans and strategies to reduce transportation sector impacts through zero emission vehicle (ZEV) deployment. The Framework for Municipal ZEV Deployment report presents a comprehensive suite of actions that any municipality can customize to meet […]

Cities are looking to become more engaged on actions to limit transportation-related emissions, and many are seeking support in the development of plans and strategies to reduce transportation sector impacts through zero emission vehicle (ZEV) deployment.

The Framework for Municipal ZEV Deployment report presents a comprehensive suite of actions that any municipality can customize to meet its needs in reducing emissions from all modes of motorized transport through the increased deployment of ZEVs.

The actions in the report are divided into two distinct matrices (one for privately-owned passenger vehicles, and the other for fleets and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles) and fall under several prominent categories, each of which necessitates the expertise of unique stakeholder groups that operate within different subsets of the transportation system.

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