2019 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index
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Apr 29, 2019
Electric Autonomy Staff

The Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI) is a tool to help measure 25 countries’ level of preparedness for autonomous vehicles. It is a composite index that combines 25 individual measures from a range of sources into a single score. Four of the variables are scored for this index by KPMG International and ESI ThoughtLab; one […]

2019 Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index

The Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index (AVRI) is a tool to help measure 25 countries’ level of preparedness for autonomous vehicles. It is a composite index that combines 25 individual measures from a range of sources into a single score. Four of the variables are scored for this index by KPMG International and ESI ThoughtLab; one uses a consumer survey conducted for this report; and the rest use existing research by KPMG and other organizations.
The intended core audience for the AVRI is public sector organizations with responsibility for transport and infrastructure. It should also be of interest to other public and private sector organizations that are involved with, or make use of, road transport.
This report uses the term ‘autonomous vehicles’, abbreviated to AVs, to refer to the technology used both within vehicles and externally, such as digital networks and road infrastructure. It also uses AVs to refer to vehicles that can do everything a traditional vehicle does without human intervention, sometimes described as ‘level 5 automation’, where vehicles are fully self-driving and the human driver becomes a passenger. The terms AV and driverless car are used interchangeably, although this report also covers autonomous buses and trucks.

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