Electric car benefits: what are the pros of going EV?
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Jan 29, 2024
Hyundai Canada

EVs have a lot of benefits, like their impact on the environment and cost savings. But there are also some unexpected advantages, too

The range and capabilities of Hyundai’s zero-emission vehicle offerings mean that more customers have viable options to make the switch from driving combustion to electric. Photo: Hyundai Canada

EVs have a lot of benefits, like their impact on the environment and cost savings. But there are also some unexpected advantages, too

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Moving over to an electric vehicle may seem like a daunting prospect. Afterall, change can sometimes be hard.

But, if change comes at the right time and in the right vehicle (so to speak), the long-term benefits could outweigh the short-term growing pains.

The range and capabilities of Hyundai’s zero-emission vehicle offerings mean that more customers have viable options to make the switch from driving internal combustion to electric.

So, whether you are considering the most recent all-electric Ioniq or taking a measured approach with a plug-in hybrid electric Tuscon what exactly are the benefits of going electric?

Let’s break it down.

What are the benefits of an electric car?

The top benefits of driving an electric car generally divide into three major buckets: savings on fuel and maintenance, better performance and being more environmentally friendly.

Within those primary categories there are many examples of electric car benefits that aren’t seen in a combustion vehicle:

  • Almost-instant torque and acceleration
  • One pedal driving and recapturing range through regenerative braking;
  • Preconditioning the vehicle cabin without creating idling emissions;
  • Vehicle-to-load (V2L) capabilities;
  • A smoother, quiet ride; and
  • Enjoying the simplicity of having only 20 moving parts in an electric motor compared to over 2,000 moving parts in a combustion engine.

What are the pros and cons?

Fuel savingsCost to install home charging infrastructure
Better performanceLower range than some combustion vehicles
Maintenance savingsOut-of-warranty battery replacements
More environmentally friendlyN/A
Rider experienceRange anxiety

Is an electric vehicle better for the environment?

The short answer: yes.

While an electric vehicle by no means has a zero-emission manufacturing process, once it is on the road — if it’s all electric — it doesn’t emit a gram of tailpipe emissions. This means that every emission-free kilometre the vehicle drives it is paying off its manufacturing debt until, about five to seven years into its lifetime the vehicle breaks even and then starts to save emissions.

Then, at the end of the vehicle battery’s lifetime, it can be recycled up to 95 per cent with the reclaimed minerals and metals being fed back into the EV battery supply chain.

Is an electric car better than a gas car?

Better is a subjective term and it depends on what you’re talking about or needing the vehicle to do.

But, generally speaking, the average driver will see equal, if not more benefits from an electric vehicle than they will a combustion one. From operational and environmental savings to better and more safe technology, plus all the features in between there are undeniable benefits to EVs.

And in those circumstances where a driver is regularly facing extraordinary driving conditions (super long haul, towing very large loads, for example), the prospect of going plug-in hybrid-electric may be more reasonable than full electric. It will still be an improvement on a full combustion vehicle.

What makes an electric car better?

Electric cars are the vehicles of the now, but they are also the vehicles that will be taking us from A to B in the future.

They are based on a new technology with room to improve as time goes by, you can access government rebates to purchase eligible models (which include the Ioniq 5 and 6, Kona Electric and Tuscon Plug-in-hybrid) to give better price parity with combustion vehicles and drivers and passengers alike will feel the difference of the quieter, smoother and safer ride.

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