Zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) represent a promising opportunity to achieve significant GHG reductions from transportation, the second largest source of emissions in Canada. In early 2018 Pollution Probe and The Delphi Group undertook a cross-Canada initiative that aimed to understand regional perspectives on ZEVs and their deployment in Atlantic Canada and the Prairies. These two regions […]
Accelerating the Deployment of Zero Emission Vehicles – Atlantic Canada and the Prairies
Zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) represent a promising opportunity to achieve significant GHG reductions from transportation, the second largest source of emissions in Canada. In early 2018 Pollution Probe and The Delphi Group undertook a cross-Canada initiative that aimed to understand regional perspectives on ZEVs and their deployment in Atlantic Canada and the Prairies. These two regions have seen relatively little ZEV uptake to date, and this project sought to understand why that is the case and what can be done to accelerate ZEV adoption in those regions.
The project report articulates the regional and inter-regional challenges and opportunities for accelerating ZEV deployment in these two regions. The report is informed by extensive stakeholder consultations that were carried out through a series of regional workshops and subject matter expert interviews. Major topics explored include grid readiness, infrastructure, regional policies, vehicle availability and public awareness and education.