Plug and Charge: Enhancing the EV experience
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EV Charging
Nov 16, 2021
Electric Autonomy Staff

Autocrypt and Electric Autonomy Canada are pleased to invite you to a discussion about Plug and Charge and its use in public charging

Industry professionals joined a panel to discuss the nuances behind making the Plug and Charge experience a reality.

Autocrypt and Electric Autonomy Canada are pleased to invite you to a discussion about Plug and Charge and its use in public charging

Public EV charging is set to get easier with introduction of Plug and Charge technology. What is Plug and Charge, how will it make for a more seamless EV charging experience and what are the barriers to wide scale adoption?

Join our panel of expert speakers to learn more about this emerging technology, the charging standard ISO 15118, and the steps we need to take to adopt it in Canada.


  • Kush Obhrai, Product Manager – Taycan, Macan, Charging Infrastructure, Porsche Canada
  • Mike Wenzlaff, Senior Program Manager, Electric Vehicles, BC Hydro
  • Darren Scott, Product Manager eMobility, Siemens Canada
  • Sean HJ Cho, President for North America, Autocrypt
  • Nino Di Cara, President, Electric Autonomy Canada (Moderator)

This event has already taken place.
To access a recording and summary of the event about Plug and Charge, click here.

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